Sunday, June 1, 2008

Negotiating te Self in art

I just watched REVOLVER and i must say that was the most intriguing movie i have seen in a very long time. Slapstick, witty dialogue, fusion of avatars with real people in the parodying of intense emotion while being psychologically informed and dramatically baffling...this is what art is about. intellectual and revelatory.

For me one of the most interesting aspects of the movie is its ability to illustrate the dialectical relationship between our different selves as we construct, understand, discover our self. Specifically, Ritchie brings to the surface the protagonist's fears...demonstrating how incredibly real the feelings are behind someone's anxieties --so real that they aggregate so much power they become debilitating. Invisible to others BUT nevertheless real to the person going through them..while simultaneously able to show the incredible and necessary power and role of the mind to overcome it.

For a long period of time , psychoanalysis has informed and influenced the creation and interpretation of visual and written art. For many scholars it has become an indispensable tool in understand the role of art as a transitional object and role of art as a tool in negotiating, creating and understanding the self.

For Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons and Juliz Alvrez both Cuban exiles, the experience of living in a country different from their own brought forth issues of separation, fragmentation, isolation, diasporic identity and difference. On many levels --albeit very differently--both of these artists used their art in an autobiographical manner to "negotiate their selves." More to come...

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